When you give you are playing a significant part in resourcing God’s vision for City Church.
In terms of our day-to-day needs and practically moving the ministry and mission of City Church forward, we are fully reliant on the financial generosity of the church family. Your giving makes a huge difference in enabling us to do what we do! We pray you will be blessed too as you practice the important spiritual discipline of giving.
You can give into the life and work of City Church in the following ways:
Give a one-off or recurring gift by clicking here
To set up a standing order for regular (e.g. monthly/weekly) giving of an amount of your choosing, please use these bank details and process directly with your bank either through your online banking or by telephone:
Account Name - EFGA Re Cardiff; Sort Code - 60-05-16; Account Number - 18533256; Reference - [Your Initial(s) & Surname].
Whatever your age, if you have assets such as property or savings, consider making a will. And once you have made provision there for your loved ones, please also prayerfully consider City Church too.Remembering City Church in your will is a powerful way to play your part in the continuation of the ministry and mission of City Church; it is a fitting and final act of gratitude to the Lord for all that He has done in your lifetime. By leaving a legacy you can also make a massive difference to future generations in City Church, well beyond your own time.