City church is committed to creating healthy churches and safe spaces for all.
We recognise the ways in which children and adults can be at risk of harm or abuse, so endeavour to create a culture to minimise opportunities for abuse to occur. Children rely on adults to keep them safe, therefore all our churches working with children, either directly or indirectly, are committed to safeguarding children in their care. We seek to do this by providing a safe, stable, and nurturing environment where children can reach their full potential. Similarly, within our churches there are adults in need of protection, care and support due to vulnerability, whether that is a permanent or temporary state. We are aware too that within our churches there are relationships of trust, which flourish best within healthy churches and environments, where there is openness, transparency and accountability.
We firmly believe that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and all involved in the life of our churches and activities have a role to play in keeping children, young people and adults safe.
Click here to view the City Church Safeguarding Policy.
Safeguarding coordinator: David Oliver - click here to contact.
If you wish to raise a concern regarding safeguarding within the Elim organisation, use this form to notify the National Safeguarding Coordinator.
Safeguarding Covenant
Our Vision Statement
The leaders and staff of City Church are committed to upholding the dignity and wellbeing of every member of our church family and also everyone who comes into contact with our ministry. We aim to provide a safe and nurturing environment where all individuals - especially children, young people, and adults at risk - are valued, respected, and protected.
1. Commitment to Safeguarding
- We affirm our commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all individuals who engage with our church, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, ability, or background.
- Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and we strive to create a culture of vigilance and accountability where individuals can experience the love, grace, and protection of God.
2. Leadership and Governance
- The church leadership will appoint a designated safeguarding officers (one principal and three deputies) responsible for implementing and overseeing safeguarding policies and procedures.
- Regular training and support will be provided to all staff, volunteers, and leaders involved in activities with children, young people, and adults at risk.
3. Safe Recruitment and Training
- All individuals working with children, young people, or adults at risk will undergo appropriate background checks (e.g. DBS, references, etc.).
- Comprehensive training on safeguarding policies and procedures will be provided to all staff and volunteers, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities.
4. Creating Safe Spaces
- We will maintain safe physical environments, including facilities and equipment, to minimise the risk of harm to individuals.
- Clear guidelines will be established for appropriate conduct and boundaries in all church activities, with zero tolerance for any form of abuse, bullying, or harassment.
5. Responding to Concerns
- Any safeguarding concerns or allegations will be taken seriously and handled promptly and confidentially in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy and reporting procedures.
- Pastoral care and support will be offered to individuals affected by safeguarding issues.
6. Awareness and Communication
- We will regularly communicate our safeguarding policies and procedures to all members of the church community, ensuring transparency and understanding.
- Information about safeguarding resources, helplines, and support services will be readily available to all members via the City Church website and posters around the building.
7. Review and Evaluation
- Our safeguarding procedures will be reviewed regularly to ensure they remain effective and compliant with current legislation and best practices. The Safeguarding Policy will be renewed at least annually and signed off by the City Church Senior Leaders and wider eldership team.
- Feedback from stakeholders, including members, staff, and external agencies, will be sought and considered in the continuous improvement of our safeguarding practices.