The Good News of Jesus is not supposed to be respectable! It’s a radical call to live a humble and sacrificial life. At the start of 2025, we are beginning a journey together through the Gospels.  As Christians, we believe these are not just historical books but words inspired by God to teach and transform us to become more like Jesus. They present four portraits of his birth, ministry, death and resurrection. We hope this journey will challenge you to live out his radical message.


    Join us as we engage with Matthew in January, Mark in February, Luke in March, John in April and finish together at Easter!


  • Personal Devotion

    Join the Bible plan by reading one chapter each day. If possible, use a physical Bible. Consider two questions as you read - What did this mean to the original listeners? (study bibles and concordances will help with this) And what can you learn from this chapter and apply to your life?  Time: 5-7mins

    Have a journal open with your Bible. Once you read the chapter, write down a few short reflections. It may be a particular verse that was highlighted to you. Write your response to these words. Time: 2-4mins

    Turn those reflections into speaking out simple prayers for you, your loved ones, our church and any other area of concern. Lastly, sit in silence for a few minutes and see if God wants to speak to you further. Time: 3-5mins

  • Small Group

    Join a Small Group which will meet every week from January to mid April. These small groups of 6-15 people will focus on building relationships, sharing food, discussing the Gospels sermon from the previous Sunday and praying for each other. Time: 1.5hrs

    There will be no groups meeting on the first week of each month so that priority can be given to Encounter, our monthly prayer gathering on the first Thursday of each month.

  • Sunday Service

    Worship every Sunday at one of our services (9am, 11am or 5pm). Bring your Bible and journal and take notes from the sermon which will be based on one of the chapters you have read in the past week. Time: 1.5hrs