Influence Your World
Do you know that God has created you for a specific purpose? You were made by God and for God and it is only in God that you will discover your identity, meaning and purpose.
Finding your purpose
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. This verse proclaims that the God who created this universe created you with a purpose in mind. He’s got good works that He wants you to carry out for your good and for His glory. This means that your life matters. You are not an accident - there is a reason why you are here. There is something for you to live for and there is something for you to accomplish.
But many Christians don’t end up fulfilling their potential. At City Church we want to help you discover the life you were made for, and then equip you to live out God’s specific purposes for your life - our teaching, courses, services and events are all designed to help you know and live out God’s plan for your life.
Missional living
We view everyone in City Church as a full-time Christian missionary and do everything we can to equip and empower church members for life beyond Sundays - we want them to see the amazing possibilities they have to make disciples and share the love and hope of Jesus in their daily lives.
Christianity is not simply a personal, private relationship with Jesus but a worldview which encompasses every aspect of life; it encompasses not just the couple of hours we meet together on a Sunday but every single one of the 168 hours we have each week. This is why at City Church we are all about helping you to live missionally; this means allowing the gospel to permeate every part of your life, and then you seeing all of your life – at home, work and leisure - as an opportunity to engage with the mission of God in the world.
Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home-parent, unemployed, retired or someone working in business, finance, health, medicine, social care, politics, the emergency services, arts, media, sports, hospitality, retail, education, transport, or one of the many other industry sectors where the people of City Church are, we want to equip you to carry the presence of Jesus into your world and participate in God’s mission of redemption in your specific context.
Imagine what could happen in Cardiff and beyond if each of us were to be - and live - as fully devoted followers of Christ in every sphere of our lives. What does it look like to be a bus driver who is a Christian? How about a teacher? Or a shop assistant? What does being a disciple on mission mean for someone who is not working? Let us help prepare you to influence your world.
Making an impact on the world
Influencing your world for Christ might include things such as:
You helping others to start their journey with Jesus
You becoming a Collective leader and discipling others
You enrolling on a course in our Leadership School to deepen your knowledge and skills
You hosting an Alpha course in your neighbourhood, school or workplace
You kickstarting a prayer initiative in your school or workplace - getting together with other Christians in your sector to pray, support each other and see how together you can have a redeeming impact where you are
You volunteering in your community – for instance, becoming a school governor
You throwing a party to show hospitality and develop relationships with neighbours or colleagues
You starting or joining a community group in your area (e.g. parent & toddler group, exercise group, book club, etc.) where you can build friendships with others
You taking on a leadership role in one of the ministries or outreaches at City Church
You starting a City Church Gathering (an interest-based group built around a hobby, passion or activity) to reach out evangelistically and socially to others
You mentoring others
Or you even planting a church in the City Church Network!
Speak to your Collective leader or a member of the Pastoral Team to chat about the possibilities.